Hey all!
It is very important that we consider the PRIDE core values when doing our work at NSO. The E in PRIDE stands for "Evaluative." Evaluation is a key tool used for measuring progress or success. In almost every field, employers use evaluations with employees in order to assess situations and then create plans for improvement. Especially in orientation, we try to embody the idea that nothing is ever perfect, and there is always room to make things better. Key examples in our own field of work is how we try to debrief every aspect of training, APA days, two day orientation sessions, and more. These really help keep orientation moving and growing as a whole for the better, not just for the first year student experience, but also for the orientation leaders, OTLs, graduate staff, and pro staff.
Last week in NYC, we saw evaluation in many aspects of our training. Tony, one of the "Wicked" actors, described his experiences on Broadway. He explained how directors often come back to their sets after a show has been on for several months. When they return, they will run through different scenes, debrief with the cast, and rework things so that the entire production improves. This is a great example of being evaluative. At Radio City Music Hall, our tour guide described to us the method of how the dynamic stage operates. The system in place has been there since the 1930's! The engineers constantly check the system, but decide every time that it is still useful and efficient. When we go through the evaluation process, we may not always make changes. The important thing is that we engage in this process on a consistent basis.
Let's remember the importance of evaluation throughout the summer. We're looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow :)
-Catrina and Kayla
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