After interviewing First Year Student Robertini Dessources, he informed me that he would have liked to tour more then one campus. He said, "that possibly a few hours on each campus would have been a nice chance to go exploring and that would have helped him understand where his classes were." He also felt that it would have been nice to get a feel for the dorm and campus that he would be living on. He also felt that the bus system should have been explained, because he was late to a few of his first classes. Robertini felt that orientation leaders were friendly and very helpful, but left out a few key elements.
Can you understand the map above? If so, you have probably been a Rutgers for longer than a month. Often First Year Students are left to fend for themselves during the first week of classes. For example during my first semester at Rutgers I did not know that the RexL bus does not make a stop at the Quads and when I realized the bus was not stopping I asked the bus driver to let me off and she said, "I'm sorry you are going to have to go for the ride." This was definitely a moment shared by many other First Years. The bus system may seem easy to those who are used to it, but to new students it is a place to be uncomfortably packed like sardines next to people you do not know while trying to read a very unfriendly map. The map is easy to understand once you figure it out, but should be explained to first years so they can understand it before they are late to their first week of classes. Orientation leaders are as friendly as Dora's map, but need to help students read the Campus Map and bus system so they can plan ahead to be on time for class!
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