
Friday, February 10, 2012

Memes are worth a thousand words.

Where would we even BE right now if we had known the information we know now back when we were obliviously clueless freshmen? We definitely would have been a lot better off, that's for sure! Maybe we could have avoided those awkward moments that first years dread- that's right you ALL know what I'm talking about. However, for the time, resources, and energy that NSO had to provide a glimpse of what was to come, they did a pretty good job, no doubt. SNAPS! As a freshman, I thought it would be interesting to ask fellow first years what they wish had been included in orientation now that that we're on campus.  Drum roll please! 


Douglass in the Fall :D 
First, "Dude I think, like, maybe, seeing all the other campuses too...? You know.... if it's possible....dude..." Yes, this was a statement made by an ACTUAL student. However, before we criticize, smile, chuckle, or judge (though that is clearly impossible because this is the no judging zone, ladies and gents!), let's get down to what this student meant. It was a great experience to see one of the campuses in depth, however, it doesn't do this university justice! One of the beauties of Rutgers is that it offers its students the ability to experience different environments. We have the city, the country,  a soon to be hotel-like sanctuary right here on Livingston- the diversity is truly amazing. Unfortunately, due to the time constraints, it's definitely not likely that future new students will be able to experience the joys of the five campuses. But imagine if we could! The transition would be smoother as students would be able to navigate easier around the campuses. Maybe Cook/Douglass wouldn't be seem like a foreign country if more students were exposed to it. In actuality students could see that Cook/Douglass is breathtaking!

Second, The bus system is a HUGE part of Rutgers. Let's be honest, the Rutgers bus is synonymous with the university's name. So why not mention more about it? The first years that I talked to wished that there had been more discussions about what buses to take, where they stop, what letters apply to which campuses, and what LX in particular Stan "The Man" drives. One student suggested to include a video that described the routes of the buses with no words. It would simply be a a series of joined video footage with music and some entertaining facial expressions and actions. Is it possible? Definitely. My personal opinion is that even though most students will probably forget what they learned in a matter of minutes, it would be a great way to introduce a complex system that can be simplified later in a few minutes. Before you know it, our students will be growing up and riding the buses all by themselves like big boys and girls! 

This last point is definitely the best! "We should incorporate a miscellaneous video in which Rutgers students name a few fun facts that result from the Rutgers experience," my current first year students said. What did they mean? Simply put, just a compiliation of information gathered by Rutgers students over the year(s). Incoming first years will relate better to Rutgers if they witness personal accounts and it would make them more tied to the university. Before you know it, we'll have them cheering the RU chant with (real) enthusiasm.

To show you all what top five fun facts they would include in the video, I present to you memes and videos (when possible of course :D ):

1. Stan the LX driver is a reason to get up in the morning.

2. Avoid crossing the street between the Rutgers Student Center and Brower Commons. People will not stop. That IS a blind spot. You will NOT make it.

3. The professors are not here to baby you. They are simply here to instruct you throughout the duration of a course. They are great resources, however, so utilize them to the best of your ability. Office hours are worth going to! 

4. Have school pride! Be excited about coming here because at Rutgers you'll be exposed to diversity, countless academic opportunities, and a wealth of interesting characters who are here to join you on the journey we call college. 

Signing off! ~ Patty 

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