
Friday, February 10, 2012

Horrible Roommates

The movie The Roommate takes the theme similar to the 1992 thriller Single White Female and adds a collegiate twist. In The Roommate, first year student Sara is embarking on her journey through college, but when her roommate, Rebecca becomes super obsessive things get a little crazy. If you haven't seen the movie, here's the trailer:
Now of course the themes in this movie are exaggerated for dramatic effect, but for some incoming first years, roommates are a real fear. Okay, they may not think they're roommate is going to start stalking them & attacking their friends in showers, but for many first years they've only had to share rooms with family members if even, so the idea of living with a complete stranger is a little scary. Now Sara may not have had the best roommate, but the likelihood that a student will get a homicidal roommate is rather slim. But in the event that you do have an issue with your roommate, there are some things you can do before it gets to this:
1. The Roommate Agreement - In the beginning of the year, every pair of roommates gets one. A Roommate Agreement is a set of guidelines roommates agree upon for both parties to follow. It is very important that you fill this out specifically. The RA keeps this on file in case of any future scuffles.
2. Talk It Out - It may sound cliché, but seriously, it's hard for people who don't know you very well to know if something they're doing is bugging you. Make sure that there is an open line of communication so you guys can talk about any potential issues.
3. Consult Your RA - If all else fails and you just can't talk it out, go to your RA. An RA can serve as a mediator in situations of quarreling roommates. Depending on the type of issue, the RA may refer back to the aforementioned Roommate Agreement or help you with any other ways you and your roommate can work thinks out. 

I personally had a great roommate experience, so much so that my roommate from freshman year and I plan on living together again for our third year. So try not to stress so much what your roommate will be like, because one of the great things about coming to college, especially a diverse institution like Rutgers, is meeting new people from all different walks of life. So don't let films like The Roommate and myths you hear from others scare you into thinking your roommate situation will automatically be negative.
Who knows, you and your roomie could end up being best friend.

Iris R. S.

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